Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Glitter gradient

I first found out about a glitter gradient manicure via a video on utube from sayanythingbr00ke in which she demonstrated how do achieve a gorgeous glittery look. I wanted to try this look myself, in Brooke's version she applied a snowflake on a couple of her nails with Konad, but I chose to just keep the glitter gradient on all my nails.

For this manicure you will need a base colour and three different types of glitter polishes, each polish varying in the density of glitter (makes it easier to show a gradient quality)

First step I painted my nails with two coats of Coconut Kiss by China Glaze, I love this deep purple colour but I feel any dark colour would look fabulous. Next I painted one coat of my least packed glitter, I used Fairy Dust by China Glaze and waited for that to dry. Next up I painted one coat of my medium glitter which is Models Own Juicy Jules from about 3/4 of the way down the nail. Next up is one coat of the my thickest glitter which is Sinful Opal Glitter which I painted on the last 1/4 of the nail to the tip. 

The idea is that your finest packed glitter is near your cuticles, the medium in the middle and the thickest glitter at the tip. The variation is what gives off that gradient. Here is what my efforts look like.....

I have taken a few of the pictures slightly out of focus so you can see the glittery goodness!

These are the polishes I used to create this look


  1. Looks gorgeous! I'd definitely try this out!



  2. love the result <3


  3. This looks so nice!! I'm really trying to get back into nail varnish but I'm such a messy painter :S Great blog, I'll be following from now on :) xx

  4. Thanks so much for the well-wishes! I love this glittery nails look - SO fun!

  5. I so need to invest in some glittery nail polishes. It seems to be the "it" thing haha. This looks great hun =)

  6. Hey,
    I posted your prize out on Monday so should be with you soon
    Dee xx

  7. this is a really pretty look - I love it! :)
    Rachel x


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