Sunday, 30 January 2011

Trial and error

I love my Konad nail art products, but I have only ever stamped with one colour. I saw a great video on youtube by 'sayanythingbr00ke' and thought I would give it a go.

This is a great idea to use several colours on any of the the full nail stamps of Konad.

Here I painted my nails with 2 coats of Snow White by Models Own and waited till my nails were totally dry. 

Then I selected the zebra print from Konad plate M57 and applied 2 colours going in a diagonal direction across the design like so.....

Then scrape in the same direction I applied the nail polish (if you don't the colours will mix and you will certainly end up with a yucky mess!)

I used a blue and red polish for the fingers, then blue, red and green for my thumbs.

Since my nails aren't that long, I stuck with two colours for my fingers, three for my thumbs, but I guess you can use more colours if you are blessed with long talons, just do thinner strips across the plate to fit more colours on. Since the base coat is just white, you can really experiment with different colours to stamp with. I finished off with a top coat of China Glaze non chip top coat. I always apply a top coat over Konad, since the design is such a thin layer of polish it wouldn't last at all without a top coat, it would just peel off.

This is what I used - 
Models Own white nail polish in Snow White
Konad Plate M57
To stamp with I used Konad Special Polish in red and blue, then China glaze in Turned up Turquoise
China Glaze non chip top coat

I love the effect this design has given and will be trying a darker base with some gold and silver paint. Hope you like.


  1. Wow! it looks great! You could do so many combinations! Looks like fun too :)

  2. Ah thanks very much, yes it is good fun, each disc has about 4 different designs on it, so lots of combinations. I do find it quite relaxing doing my nails. Hope you are well x

  3. wow! that looks really cool, :)

  4. Thanks Sophie for your comment Sophie :-) x

  5. I've never seen nails like that. how creative


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